The seeds of several varieties of Morning glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring tryptamine called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Seeds are taken orally and can be eaten whole or the active alkaloids can be extracted.
Like LSD, LSA acts as a “psychedelic” or “hallucinogen” which can have strong mental effects.
The Zapotecs used Ipomoea violacea by grinding the seeds up and wrapping them in a meal cloth. They would then soak it in cold water and find out about the illness of a patient, a troublemaker among the people, or the location of a lost object. Morning glory seeds called tlitlitzin were used ritually by the Aztec for their psychoactive properties. Spanish chroniclers in the mid 16th century reported on the divinatory use of these seeds. Their use has continued in southern Mexico, although it wasn’t until about 1900 that tlitlitzin was identified botanically as Morning glory.
Morning glory is a member of the Convolvulaceae family which also includes the Baby Hawaiian Woodrose. Common morning glory is a garden escape; it is native to Mexico or Central America. Now it’s grown around the world, favoring tropical warm temperate climates.
It is a vine with stems of 4-10 feet long, with flowers in pink, purple, blue, or white (or combinations). Its flowering time is from July until October.
Active constituent: d-lysergic acid amide. The seeds contain about 0.1% ergot alkaloids, including ergometrine, chanoclavine, and lysergol.
LSD like experience that lasts about 6 hours, but with less hallucinogenic effects. Nausea is common even with untreated seeds. Less anxiety, less intensity than LSD in normal doses.
Because use is oral, the onset is affected by the last food that was ingested. On a relatively empty stomach, the onset of effects is about an hour after ingestion, although it can be many hours before peak effects are reached.
Primary effects last 6-10 hours when seeds are taken orally. It also takes a couple of hours before being completely back to normal again.
Root tea was used by Native Americans as a diuretic, laxative, expectorant, and cough. A powered tea of the leaves for headaches and indigestion. As far as we know, Morning glory nowadays is not commonly used as a medicine.
The most common active Morning glory variety is Heavenly blue, others are Pearly gates, Flying saucers, Wedding bells, Blue star, and Summer skies. Although Heavenly blue is the strongest variety it is widely available, while the other variants are harder to come by.
Comparing the seeds of the morning glory varieties Pearly Gates and Heavenly Blue with two varieties of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, the following yield of alkaloids (mg of alkaloid/g of seed material) has been found:
- Heavenly Blue: 0.813
- Pearly Gates: 0.423
- Ipomoea tuberosa: [None]
- Argyreia Nervosa: 3.050
Ololiuqhui (Rivea corymbosa or Turbina corymbosa) is another variety and not a synonym. Ololiuhqui is the least known hallucinogen in the outside world, yet it is perhaps the best known and most widely used among the indigenous people of Mexico. Very small doses are required and it is strongly recommended that only experienced persons use ololiuqhui.
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